body mechanics and strumming

Good information and great demonstration - thank you!
Trevor, thanks for the demo. I try to make a conscious effort (and hope that it will become unconsciously ingrained) to not strum from my elbow when I uke. I play guitar too (to a much lesser extent), where I do have to use my elbow joint. I suffer from bouts of tendonitis in my strumming elbow and forearm, so perhaps moving to a more finger based strum rather than the wrist based strum that I'm currently cultivating, will help minimize my tendonitis. I am certainly gonna give it a go and see if it helps me. That up strum with th thumb might be a sticking point for me, as I'm so used to using my index finger but we'll see. When I first started playing I could only strum with my thumb, both up and down. After a bit of playing I switched to the index finger, and now the thumb feels a little wierd. The longer I play (about 5 years now...boy, time has flown) the more adaptable I get though so I'm going to try to tweak my technique along the lines of your demo. Thanks again!
Thanks for the tutorial. I've litteraly only been learning to play for 6 days, and this has helped me out a great deal. :)
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