Our band on Pioneer TV western Minnesota

Doug W

Well-known member
Nov 29, 2009
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN, USA
Although it is against the code of the "Minnesotan" to ever bring attention to oneself, we had the opportunity to appear on western Minnesota Public TV.

Forgive me Father Minnesota!
What a bunch of talented MN peeps!!
Love how every member shines.
Can't wait to track down a performance.
As a native Minnesotan I approve this message. You are actually bringing attention to the other people in your group not yourself. ;)
@ ukeinfused
Thanks for the kind words, we were supposed to play at Minnehaha on Aug. 18th
but we were cancelled when the forecast called for thunderstorms which didn't ever hit
the Cities.

@ fowl
Steve, In Minnesota if you plant your uke in the garden in the spring, the resulting harvest is
what you saw.

@ RedBeth
I am lucky to have some talented friends and a talented wife. I was glad to learn from
your site that the Renaissance Festival lease will be extended for 3 years. We will look
for the Leprechaun Pirates out there on Monday the 5th.
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