Seasonistas general thread: yakking, joshing, news and pictures

My original entry for @LimousinLil (Val's) SOTU 609, Food Glorious Food, which I deleted after I discovered my blooper, where I sang 1873 instead of 1837, me being a perfectionist an' all that. 😳 The song is all Joo's but my lyrics were inspired by the title of an instrumental, (edit: ) Melancholy Anchovies, by Kari Maaren, who some of you may know posts as The Improvyssey on youTube.

I love this! Glad you posted it again.
you could type the right date over your mistake.
My version is so simplified.
I can't reproduce your voice and your aura. You got this natural comedian presence. I was laughing out loud when i first heard it. It is your lyrics and your expression. So well played and sung!

the anchovies must be feeling anxious when they knew Lea and Perrins chose them. The melancholy must have slowly happened over many generations of Worcester Sauce production...
Well, I can't even get the title of that right so perhaps I should just retire gracefully. 😳
Anchovies do seem more prone to anxiety than melancholy. Small animals=anxious. Big animals - melancholy. Think Melancholic Manatee. 😁 I would have called them anxious anchovies too. 😅
Edit- LOVE that Kari Maaren improvises her playing! I just subscribed to her channel! Thanks for sharing her music.
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An improv I recorded with my phone, one night, years ago, when I was living in Hobart. I placed my guitar down on the kitchen counter and played it as if it was not a guitar. I have no idea what I was doing there. But I like the sound. I used some video effects on what was captured on my phone.
Oh, dear ... I simply have to stop boasting about my Family's achievements. This one means a lot, though! I have just found out that oldest Grandson, William, has been awarded an Arkwright Scholarship (His Dad, Joe, received something rather similar after spending his Physics A Level project devising a rifling system for a gun barrel.) I would have loved to have been able to share this with my husband, and William's Grandad, Harry, who was also an engineer and would have been SO proud of him.

My original entry for @LimousinLil (Val's) SOTU 609, Food Glorious Food, which I deleted after I discovered my blooper, where I sang 1873 instead of 1837, me being a perfectionist an' all that. 😳 The song is all Joo's but my lyrics were inspired by the title of an instrumental, (edit: ) Melancholy Anchovies, by Kari Maaren, who some of you may know posts as The Improvyssey on youTube.

10 Years ago I followed Kari Maaren's geeky ukulele channel. She
writes epic comic songs. A very clever and intelligent lady. She nearly always puts the words to her songs in the description which is good because the speed of her delivery demands that you have to listen very intently not to miss the jokes or the fantastic word play.
QUESTION: What do you do when one of the cats that you are taking to the Vet's for her annual booster jabs - the one who has been making an unholy racket ever since you put her in her basket on the back seat of the car - suddenly appears next to you as you are driving down the main road? Apart from panic, that is!

ANSWER: Well, if you are me, with nowhere to stop, all you CAN do is carry on with the journey, whilst said cat passes her time variously sitting on your lap (forcing you to reach round her to change gear) or perching on the back window ledge, or scariest of all, exploring the floor space under your feet ... YIKES! (Fortunately, we made it to the Vet's unscathed and I was able to return her to the basket ... the problem had been a badly adjusted zip.) Having been relieved of rather a lot of Euros - two cats to deal with - the journey home was mercifully uneventful. I am now a nervous wreck ... thank you, Margot!

Cats are funny. Margot no doubt was a nervous wreck herself while in the basket and car!
Glad no one was hurt Val.

I came here to share photos of Mr T the cat who was so comfortable in the public walkway just next to my flat....
I was heading home the other night and found him there...

Anyone who don't know Mr T might think the cat had passed out or was dead. He loves to sleep with his front legs up is so funny...
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