::Leader Board:: Ahnko Honu Takes The Lead Chapter 22!

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Not that the rest of you didn't have good advice, but I was already going to drop the other guy. It's a shame, he came highly recommended.

It looks like you got good answers. Good luck with your search and getting preapproved. How exciting!
Bond, Vaga Bond was out, living with no-longer-his-girlfriend. He blew that up. Gave 2 weeks notice at his work and they told him they don't need him. Now he's back with us. But he was/is planning to light out for the territory ahead, in this case Salt Lake City. Because, a girl he met in the Denver bus station back when he crashed his car in December tells him there's a place there he can crash. Wants to buy my Volvo (making payments from a job he doesn't have). Or he'll take the bus to SLC.

What could possibly go wrong?

Oy! He doesn't seemed to have learned from his mistakes. That's got to be frustrating. We're here for you, Michael.
About two years after I moved out of my parents' house, they upgraded to a HUGE place and remodeled it, making it super nice, and had three guest bedrooms.
I went on a family trip to Hawaii, and while I was there my roommates had a party and got us evicted.
Mom said too bad, you may not move in.
It was the best thing she ever did for me.
She said I may come and have a meal whenever I wanted,
but I may not move in.
I couch surfed and lived in a friend's garage-turned-man cave until I got my own place again.
I was a little hurt at the time, but see the value now.

Sometimes tough love is necessary. I'm glad you can look back and see the value of your Mom's decision.
works been super busy too!!

Summer had a talent show today and killed it in front of about 600 people!!!! I was proud she made it to the final with 13 other acts!!! There were about 50 auditions and she made it. The chose some upper class for the winners but I figured that would happen.

Yay, Summer! That's awesome.
How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?

One, but the bulb has to WANT to change.

He decided therapy doesn't work.

Sounds like the rest of you could use some therapy as you deal with him!

(((Pere family)))
Bond, Vaga Bond was out, living with no-longer-his-girlfriend. He blew that up. Gave 2 weeks notice at his work and they told him they don't need him. Now he's back with us. But he was/is planning to light out for the territory ahead, in this case Salt Lake City. Because, a girl he met in the Denver bus station back when he crashed his car in December tells him there's a place there he can crash. Wants to buy my Volvo (making payments from a job he doesn't have). Or he'll take the bus to SLC.

What could possibly go wrong?
Well, he might grow up. Or he might crash again.

But maybe it's time to let him know you need to be done with digging him out? Just a suggestion. What do I know, I solved my problem by sending my kid off to die.
He went out for a walk. Probably got loaded. Came back in for a nap. Then declared it was all a lie. He hadn't broken up. He still had a job. He's staying in town.


That's terribly cruel to you and the wife.
Job mojo for The Kilted One. Sounds promising!

Padre, tell that kid, "We're sick of your sh!t, it's time to cut ties. You've got until August to find a place to live. On August 1st the locks will be changed."
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