Ukulele Underground tutorials


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Dec 15, 2016
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This has got to be said:

I've been playing about 18months now and in the last 4mths ive been learning new stuff on Youtube from UU. I've quickly progressed by using the UU tutorials and playalongs... learning chords on different parts of the fretboard and some fingerpicking too.
Im told by others that im actually quite good!!
I practice about 3-4hrs most days (hence the quick progression).
I dont know the chaps name (can anyone tell me) who does most of the UU tutorials/playalongs on youtube but he's a great teacher....and a great player. If i were to aspire to half of what he can do, i'll be very happy. Thankyou Ukulele Underground.....Being able to play Uke has transformed my life.:cool:
Wayne aka Fisheyes
Aldrine Guerrero does the UU tutorials and is one of the founding members of Ukulele Underground with Ryan Esaki and Aaron Nakamura. One of my favorite vids was from the Reno Uke Fest featuring Mike Powers, Brittni Paiva and James Hill jamming with Aldrine on "Little Wing".
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