Increasing playing confidence

If you are resorting to drugs, there are better choices than alcohol! ;) (I'd look into relaxation and breathing exercises instead, though.)
Second, and I know this sounds bad, but,,, drink. I don't suggest or condone alcohol as a crutch, however once in a while, especially when getting the hang of it, a drink or two can really help calm the nerves. I took a ten year hiatus from performing, and when I got back to it, I definitely had a couple whiskeys before stepping onto that stage. Of course don't overdo it, there's a difference between loose and sloppy.
I don't think that I drink to find the nerve to get up in front of people and perform, but playing my uke in public and performing is a social thing for me, and I enjoy that aspect of it as much as anything. I can get along just fine without alcohol, but if it is part of the experience, I sure won't abstain from it. And if I'm invited to someone's house to participate in an informal jam, I always show up with a bottle of wine or a six pack of beer to share.
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