New Jersey: The LastState where you can't legally pump your own gas.


Probably unknown member
Dec 3, 2010
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Capital District, New York
I posted this video exactly Three Years Ago, for the "Songs About New Jersey" season.

I just saw a story in this morning's paper that Oregon now allows you to pump your own gas if your county has less than 400,000 residents, and it is between 6pm and 6 am.

So that leaves New Jersey.

Once again, here's The Jughandle Song, written by Kurt Siegel and Wendy Keilin.

I’m glad I don’t have to pump my own gas on days like today! (It’s 9 degrees here in northern NJ)
Yeah, NJ is a weird state. I lived there about 20 years ago. In addition to jughandle turns, not being allowed to pump your own gas, a few other NJ oddities were roundabouts (traffic circles), yearly motor vehicle inspections (boy, what a pain), and lots of diners.
When I was in college, diners were the best thing about living in NJ.

After last call at the local pub, we'd meander over to the diner, eat some bacon-egg-and-cheese sandwiches, and have a chance to sober up before going home.

~| memories |~ :)
I’m glad I don’t have to pump my own gas on days like today! (It’s 9 degrees here in northern NJ)

Right? From where I'm sitting "can't legally pump your own gas" looks a lot like "never have to get out of your car and pump gas in the bitter cold." I sure wish there was a full service gas station around here!
The title of the thread should be:

When I was in college, diners were the best thing about living in NJ.

After last call at the local pub, we'd meander over to the diner, eat some bacon-egg-and-cheese sandwiches, and have a chance to sober up before going home.

~| memories |~ :)

Booli, nothing like a NJ diner at 3AM. No need to go to Disneyland!
Booli, nothing like a NJ diner at 3AM. No need to go to Disneyland!


Sometimes we were all alone in the place until dawn, and other times, there were 4-5 groups of like 10 ppl each and by the time daylight came, we were all actually like one big group from telling war-stories and recounting the past night's events to each other.

One of the best ways to find other clubs or bars to go to, was FROM talking with folks at the diner (back then internet was IRC, usenet, and Gopher, no www or facebook yet).

Initially my pals thought I was a little nuts for walking up to strangers, but only one time was I ever rejected from having a conversation, and it was lots of fun and so easy to talk to folks, as most were very kind and welcoming.

Sadly, years later, when I've driven past, some of the diners we used to go to are either closed/abandoned and the others are not 24 hrs any more and close like 10pm.

One of the things I used to love about a diner is that if you sit there long enough (3-7am) to order a few times (yes we were all 'Fat B*st*rds'), you can get all kinds of food, such as the egg-and-cheese sandwiches as I mentioned before, or a Caesar salad, or even Belgian waffles, or a simple cheeseburger, GRAVY CHEESE FRIES!!! and all of it was usually at a decent level of quality and tastiness...

~memories~ :)
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