Beautiful Clean Coal

Wow. We're pretty screwed.
Inspiring. Clear communication. Timely topic in my windy and sunny of state of New Mexico where it is a constant battle . Beautiful playing and singing. Makes me want to put a link on my fb feed so my fighting buddies could learn and be inspired. But, no worries, I would not do that unless you stated that wanted that to happen. Really wonderful photography selection too. Thanks so much for sharing and using your talents for the good.
Hey , we would be screwed without it ! The majority of electrical power in the U.S. comes from coal and it doesnt look like it will change soon.
Electric automobiles get their electric power from coal . Solar and wind power dont seem to produce enough to compete.
What we need to do is figure out what Tesla was talking about and get the Pyramids back on line.
Coal is beatiful, not perfect.
Anyone who wants to live without electricy, be my guest.
Ha! My oh my....what a world we live in. Is this a pro coal song or a red flag coal song? Guess it depends on where you live and what your attitude towards it is.... Like a artist's painting, interpretation is in the eye of the beholder. This cracks me up! I best listen again. Wonderful song when it makes people think...or notice that they only assumed. I learn something about music everytime I listen to you Pabrizzer!
Clean coal technology is a collection of technologies being developed to attempt to help lessen the environmental impact of coal energy generation and to mitigate worldwide climate change. ... As a result, clean coal technologies are being developed to remove or reduce pollutant emissions to the atmosphere.
Even if they can clean up the emissions from burning coal - that's only half the problem.
The extraction of coal is dirty and dangerous. Black lung has not gone away and every year many underground miners lose their lives worldwide. Subsidence from old mines is constant.
Dust from open cuts and the moving and storing of coal is also a problem - when it is 'hosed down' it just creates problems in the resulting run off.
Gas is cleaner but to get enough we frack.
Australia and the USA are the worst polluters per person on the planet and the least willing to reduce.

And it is finite.
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Ha! My oh my....what a world we live in. Is this a pro coal song or a red flag coal song? Guess it depends on where you live and what your attitude towards it is.... Like a artist's painting, interpretation is in the eye of the beholder. This cracks me up! I best listen again. Wonderful song when it makes people think...or notice that they only assumed. I learn something about music everytime I listen to you Pabrizzer!

I agree Sharpshin.
Well done pabrizzer.
As if that weren't enough. Burning the damn stuff causes climate change. The polar ice caps are melting, we all know that.
What I didn't know, and just found out, is that those glaciers are full of frozen viruses. When they thaw out, what happens???
Pabrizzer yer a gem. Years later they're still trying to get the bodies of the last 18 coal miners to die here out of the mine. The Government made promises but as time passed the promises got forgotten. Anyhoo we now have a new government and new promises. We'll see...
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