Finally got a puppet video done...

Aloha Accousticmonster,
I really liked the video art work and music...well put together ...only the language and content...was not appropiate...MM Stan
Nice production values, but if I could make a comment an experienced puppeteer told me recently. . . Most puppeteers think its about hoe to CLOSE the mouth, i.e., its only natural to want to snap DOWN of the consonants. That's a mistake. Its about opening UP on the vowels.
Nice production values, but if I could make a comment an experienced puppeteer told me recently. . . Most puppeteers think its about hoe to CLOSE the mouth, i.e., its only natural to want to snap DOWN of the consonants. That's a mistake. Its about opening UP on the vowels.

Cool, thanks for the advice. I'm new to puppetry. :)
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