UU promotional cards?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2008
Reaction score
Aloha, OR
Hi guys -

So about three times this weekend I found myself writing UU's website down on cards or slips of paper for people to encourage them to come on over and check it out.

I thought about doing business cards that I can just hand out in the past, but needed to respect the copyright on the logo and name and all that.

But I was wondering - if a PDF template file was created and approved by the UU staff and made available for download, then people could get their own business card blanks and print the cards out in an approved way...

What do you think? I always wear ukulele t-shirts, with about half of them being UU - people ask me about the uke all the time and I tell them about this place, but a more polished card to promote the site might make a better impression...
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