Five string banjo

Why should you not leave a banjo and accordion in the back seat of an unlocked car?

I think I paid about $400 for my Reiter #325. I asked Bart about what kind of banjar it was. He didn't know; said he'd thrown away all his old records in 1990. I have an Accordion made by Mark Savoy. Accadian brand. Username is the same at BHO and UU. Hey PTOEguy is it true you have to carry fiddles or ukuleles in a paper bag or better in SLCounty? The Dailey Frail has good stuff in it. Patrick is persona non grata at BHO but ignore that. His teaching methods are excellent. Patrick, and I had the same banjo teacher back in the eighties.

If you leave a banjo and an accordion in the back of an un-locked car when you return you find three banjos, two accordions and a ukulele with a warped neck.
Hey PTOEguy is it true you have to carry fiddles or ukuleles in a paper bag or better in SLCounty?

Not to my knowledge, although Salt Lake has been referenced as a place where ukuleles are restricted. I suspect that its mostly about the view of Salt Lake as a place where the rules are slightly weird.
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