Ragtime fingerpickin'


Feb 10, 2009
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Hey there. Anyone have any advice on any patterns or finger picking techniques for an aspring ragtime ukulele guru?
I'm hardly an expert (though by the grace of God or Roy Smeck maybe one day I will be...), but maybe start by learning The Staten Island Slide. Here's the video. Also helpful for trying to figure out how to be half as cool as Craig Robertson.
You could get Del Ray's Blue Uke DVD - Blues, Rags and Jazzy Dance Tunes. And there's Woodshed's How to play Ragtime ebook, available on his site ukulelehunt. Neither are free, but there's a wealth of information in both. I've been playing for a year and find them challenging, but with patience and practice, I'm getting there. Good luck!
Del Rey's stuff is excellent, but I would call it advanced level.

I play a lot of ragtime on guitar, and as I move material to the uke, I find that the ragtime is the toughest because I play fingerstyle on guitar, and the alternating thumb bass is such an essential element of ragtime. It's difficult to get that part on the uke since it lacks low strings. However, I like to stum a lot of rhythm in my uke ragtime playing.
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