"My Lover's Gone"

Gorgeous video Chelle. Beautiful performance. And a real quality audio mix, really added to that haunting, moody vibe created by those spare images. Man, you just keep getting better and better at this stuff. Bravo my friend. x
Thank you, thank you, dear friend! I am truly honored by your most generous and kind words -- your support has always meant the world to me! I was definitely going for exactly what you mention, too, with the haunting and moody feel to the video. The weather cooperated perfectly for the videography, too -- rainy, cool, and dreary -- who woulda thunk it? Gotta love living in the PNW! :)

Gorgeous video Chelle. Beautiful performance. And a real quality audio mix, really added to that haunting, moody vibe created by those spare images. Man, you just keep getting better and better at this stuff. Bravo my friend. x
Lots of heartfelt gratitude, Campbell! It was a particularly challenging project with the vocals and mixing the audio, especially. I have so much to learn about all aspects of creating these projects; the love of music and learning -- of the ukulele -- of healing through the creative spirit -- all of this keeps me coming back for more and more. :)

Beaut job Chelle, fabulous emotion packed vocal and a wonderfully thought out video, great work!
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