One Love - Playing for change around the world


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
Paris, France
Aloha !

I know it's not a ukulele video but I think this vid is wonderful.

A version of One Love by the Legend : Bob Marley played and sang by people all over the world, mixed to make one and only song.
They made a whole documentary like it with other songs.
Official Website
Youtube Page with other songs
I think this song One Love, is the better song they could use to demonstrate their purpose, unite the whole world around music.
A wonderful project, witch deserves to be known.
To be honest, it make me drop some tears ... enjoy

Peace, love and music.

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This is nothing short of amazing, and is absolutely beautiful. The world uniting over music...Goes to show simplicity in life is all that is needed for peace and connection. If anyone hasn't seen this, you MUST check it out. You truly will be moved.
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