Denver Bronco Quarterback and Princess Jay Cutler is Sad

Gary Jugert

Well-known member
Apr 21, 2008
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Denver Colorado
I like the NFL and I love hearing about NFL players have a lousy time in life. For the money they make, you'd think they'd all know to keep themselves out of the news, but week after week we can be assured another one will step up to the plate and prove that money "don't buy no brains."

Our football team in Denver has been a mess for a decade now and with the addition of a new coach, the quarterback has pushed the self-destruct button. Here's my version of his day today:

Some day I gotta take a singing lesson and someday I gotta really try to play this ukulele with a little more skill. I used my out-of-tune Mahalo because I was too lazy to walk downstairs and get a decent uke.
Now he's our crybaby! YEAH!!!! :D :D :D

I actually think Cutler's a pretty good quarterback and should do a great job for you. Hopefully this little snit fit of his will teach him a lesson about being a grown up. If you turn the sound down every time you see him in a press conference, you won't notice how dumb he is. We've got a new coach in Denver this year, so it probably doesn't matter who plays quarterback for us since we'll be miserable. I'll still be rooting for my team though.
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