My Dog Has Fleas? Got any new funny variations on that?


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2011
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Ottawa, Canada and Sarnia (hometown)
Not sure if this topic has been covered before but I was thinking about the "My Dog has fleas" tonight and I thought instead "My cat likes cheese." hehe

Any other funny ones that come to mind?


Knobbly Knees

(You need to put on a Dick-Van-Dyke-esque cock-er-ny accent for this one.)
Who cut the cheese?
Strum the uke please...
My Bum Is Green....from school days 1969....English bum is a sit upon , not a tramp .
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My Canis lupus familiaris has Ctenocephalides canis
I just remember the tuning as - Got Caught Eating Ants
"plinky plinky plinky plink"

/I'll get my coat
Seeing these replies reminds me how ideal is My Dog Has Fleas.

Particularly with the deeper Dog emulating the C tuning, something any random simple rhyming phrase does not do.

Great, Peter!
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