April Fools...Well Played


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
Greensboro NC
Wow guys, I must give you props. That was a great april fools joke! It was kinda strange to see a day with no Aldrine on the UU. Great Job guys, keep it up. Punch your selfs in the arm for that!:D
Well played indeed... I got a kick out of reading the mixed reactions here on the forum...

But then, that's the kind of thing that's really to be enjoyed with a prank, no?
Wow guys, I must give you props. That was a great april fools joke! It was kinda strange to see a day with no Aldrine on the UU. Great Job guys, keep it up. Punch your selfs in the arm for that!:D

Arm!!! no... FACE or Groin area.
i still wouldnt be surprised if he was signed for a label, Aldrine is really good at singing, playing both ukulele AND guitar, and is just a great guy to be around. well done prank UU admins.
Yea I am sure he is becoming a better artist along with all of the other UU members, the difference is he has 10 years experience. I am sure as the uke grows in popularity he will be one of the first with a deal on a major label. The good part is he sings which is where people like Jake S. and James H. are limited.
will repeat myself from other thread
...A.G I feel like a complete idiot...Poured my heart and soul out to you and defended you! hahaha Dammmn Youuuuu Ukulele Underground Admins!!! **Shaking Fist in the Air**

Much love UU well done prank even though i was all ready having a crappy day yesterday and that made it worse hahaha But you got me...
Yep. the hallmark of a great prank. Even though you know deep down it has to be a prank, they put enough effort into it that even the most stout of heart give pause and wonder, "Would they really go to that much trouble for a prank?"

Yes, yes they would. But only if they really care. *grin*
Nicely done UU

this was the only April Fool's day prank I fell for. Glad to see A.G. again.
well i feel cheated out of a live lesson :mad:
I bet A.G (oh captain my captain) got a fuzzy feeling for all the messages of support. (and how many complaints in his inbox?)

P.s Rayan - get off the xbox and sing some more - you have a good voice
Made an April fool of me

I thought that i had managed all day not to get fooled, then I took a look at UU for my daily uke fix only to find everything gone! I truly was gutted, glad it was just a prank ha ha
That's a good one! Definitely got me here. I started watching the videos a week ago and went into panic yesterday. Glad its only a prank!
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