

Well-known member
Oct 10, 2011
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just need your feedback if you are a premium member. I know there's a trial period. but i really feel bad when I return something I have bought online subscription.
I have never heard of the site. It looks like it is expensive. The format of the "music" is just chord and lyric, you need to watch a video or something many times to learn the melody and phrasing, and then you have to remember it or find a way to write it out for yourself. So the joining fees may be low, but the costs of using the material are high in terms of time and bandwidth costs.
Most internet plans in Australia charge by the megabyte download, every time you download a video or an hour of lessons you are buying lots of megabytes for an expensive price. I think your money would be better spent on a real teacher, sight reading lessons, and real hardcopy books that respect the rights of composers and arrangers. I buy hardcopy books and paid for lessons and now I am free of "ukulele" rut arrangements and can be a bit creative.
I would never bother to pay to join a site like E-Chord or similar sites, but that does not mean that it is not right for someone else.
my intention really is, so that i can print the the lyrics with chords and play it offline. at the moment, you can only view but not able to print it.
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