The Banning song

We can love our freedom of speech and still think that it's rude to talk politics at the dinner table.
We know we are in trouble when we can only sing the 'approved' song list.

There is a large repertoire of songs that can't (and shouldn't) be sung here or elsewhere. Take a look at some songs and their lyrics from the 1930s and early 1940s and their derogatory stereotyping of ethnic or racial groups, for example. We are not in trouble because there are limits.

Terms like "banned" are blunted and trivialized when needlessly and inappropriately used for dramatic effect. Like crying wolf.
With freedom of speech and expression must also come restraint out of respect for others and societal norms, including the norms of the moderators and members of UU. It was the choice of a moderator to close the previous thread. I am sure that the moderator did so to avoid a pissing match among UU members. That's a pretty standard way for a moderator to keep a forum's focus on topic.

A poet/lyricist must write what he must, often outside the bounds of conscience. But if the result is a work of derogatory intent, expect to receive some pushback. I have written a fair bit of poetry in my life, some of which I would not share with my wife or my parents or the folks on UU.
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