Working at getting better, Bee Bop a Lula Round Midnight


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
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Been playing about 10 years. Started on guitar years ago writing three chord songs, but listening to much more complicated material on the old music box. Couldn't help it. Sorry, I liked more sophisticated songs. My dad listened to a lot of jazz.

Anyway, about seven or eight years ago Jeff West's Humblebaritonics website turned me onto Glen Rose. Eyeopener. Jazz chords. So I've worked with his jazz books over and over since then.

His masterpiece, in my opinion, is his Advanced Chords videos. It's taken my playing just that much further, and once again I went back today and devoted hours to getting it down. It just becomes clearer and clearer. To paraphrase Henry Higgins, "By Jove, I think I've finally got it!" It takes work and persistence.

Now I can look at a jazz fake book and recognize patterns and make substitutions within those patterns. I can also write songs using jazz progressions and make them tastier by using substitutions, really tasty jazz chords.

Just thought I'd let those who are interested know. Betcha Chuck Berry knew some of these progressions and substitutions or at least would have dug them. Beep Bop A Lula 'Round Midnight!
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Hi, Kimosabe
I've used Glen's Jazzy Uke Workbooks 1 & 2 and have found them very helpful. Do you believe that the Advanced Jazz Chords video covers more and different chords and progressions than those two workbooks? Duplicating study material is my bane, but I'd to my Glen Rose library gladly if there's good incremental added content. What do you think? Thanks.

Absolutely new material that brings you that much farther and gives you some new songs. Really expands your playing. After mastering the advanced video get his bossa nova and blues books. I have had the advanced video for several years and I keep going back to it. It's my favorite of his books.

Glad you got a lot out of his books. He's working on a new book that will help expand on what he has given. He doesn't cheat you by giving the same old same old. Really well organized.
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