add chords

Try the WWW?

>>Dangerously wrong explanation erased<<

You might want to search around a bit, and learn some basics about music theory and chord formation. There are plenty of resources out there, or perhaps an introductory book on music theory or Fretboard Roadmaps for ukulele can help you. Check the UU lessons on moving chord shapes as well, there is a link to a graphic that gives you the notes on your fretboard so you can check what notes are in the chord you play.
Hope this helps. Be sure to search around as well.

ah... presto!
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An add 9 chord means you add the ninth degree of the scale to the chord. Your normal C chord is C E G. The ninth is a D. So you would have C E G D. You can play it as 0005.
im still a lil off about this but thank you very much for your help :)
have a good day:shaka:
An add 9 chord means you add the ninth degree of the scale to the chord. Your normal C chord is C E G. The ninth is a D. So you would have C E G D. You can play it as 0005.

Awesome reply Seeso! + Rep!!
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