Edge Of The Storm #hurricaneflorence

Jim Hanks

Well-known member
Mar 13, 2013
Reaction score
JoCo, NC (near Raleigh)
Features Jupiter Ukuleles #47 guilele and Gold Tone ME-Bass

Great work there Jim. The important thing for me is the music and this to me is very musical. I like your flute playing and compositional skills. The video and arranging is a also first class. I notice you are using a proper bass instrument rather than a sequenced bass. Much better in my opinion. I like the direction you are moving in. keep up the good work!
I notice you are using a proper bass instrument rather than a sequenced bass.
Yeah, first real project trying to use the ME-Bass. It's a lot harder to tame than it looks. :p
First in the playing - have to consciously think about "note off" events and when/how to mute each note. I don't usually have that problem with uke/guilele. Maybe it's just more ingrained there.
But also in the mixing - there is a lot more high frequency content than I expected and finding I have to carve out a lot to keep it from taking over the mix. I'm still working on both.

Your style reminds me a little bit of guitarist Will Ackerman.
Higher praise than I deserve , but thanks!
Great work Jim, I'm happy to hear you're out of harm's way for now, and that "Florence" has passed through without too much damage. The new Jupiter #47 looks to be settling in very well & helping to inspire some cool vibes :D 5 Stars seems appropriate for Jupiter :D
Very nice indeed Jim. I listened just before my 'beddy-byes' so I now go up nice and relaxed.
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