Any experiences/reviews of milsmusic on Etsy?

It's a pity nobody replied here. I've just looked through the ukes as I finally decided to start learning to play, and noticed that MilsMusic is pretty popular. Is it a good choice for a beginner?
I'm surprised that nobody answered here. My sister purchased a custom-made Uke from Mils Music last year and she loves it. This is her first instrument and she was also a beginner like you. Well, Etsy is a trusted source. If you have doubts, you can look through the reviews here. Hope it helps and good luck!
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It's a pity nobody replied here. I've just looked through the ukes as I finally decided to start learning to play, and noticed that MilsMusic is pretty popular. Is it a good choice for a beginner?
Start with Mim's Ukes. Need to go on site on a Friday morning to get an order in. If you call her, she can guide you. She does setups up the ukes, which is highly recommended.

You can post a new thread in the "Buying Tips" section. That is better than reviving old threads (sometimes called necromancy).
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I had never heard of MilsMusic Ukes. I went on etsy and looked them over. I'm not particularly impressed with the designs I saw. But, they may be good instruments. I like that they are made and marketed by someone who's open and proud of being Thai. That's a lot better than someone who buys up a lot of third world Ukes, and puts a western sounding label on them. And, since it's their own product and brand name, I think there is more reason to believe that they would take pride in producing the best Ukes they can. So, if I saw one of their Ukes that appealed to me, I wouldn't hesitate to give them a try.
I'm surprised that nobody answered here. My sister purchased a custom-made Uke from Mils Music last year and she loves it. This is her first instrument and she was also a beginner like you. Well, Etsy is a trusted source. If you have doubts, you can look through the reviews on the Internet. Hope it helps and good luck!
Good to know! This thread is a blast from the past! Good to see the seller is still around
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