Alberta Bound

Brenda, you're very welcome! I never get requests, so it was a fun challenge for me! I had a couple of listens, found a chord chart on the web, transposed to a good key for my voice, then tried it 2-3 times before recording on my phone. That's my usual process for new songs I learn for the Seasons. This one only has 4 chords, so it wasn't too hard for my present strum/sing uke skills.
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Terrific! I really enjoyed that, lovely playing and such relaxing comfortable vocals.
I can play and sing that well. I can learn songs and perform them that quickly too. I just choose not to. lol

Haha. No I can’t - obviously - it’s what makes you so special John!

Well done. Brilliant mate! I can see a new ‘Request for Ukecaster’ thread destined for the new year.
Thanks young Dave! The problem I usually have later is remembering the songs! While I usually print out the chord chart/lyrics I've prepared, and also store them on my PC, even with that, I often find myself saying later..."geez, how does that song go again?", and need to have another listen. Ahhh...senior moments!
Thanks young Dave! The problem I usually have later is remembering the songs! While I usually print out the chord chart/lyrics I've prepared, and also store them on my PC, even with that, I often find myself saying later..."geez, how does that song go again?", and need to have another listen. Ahhh...senior moments!

That’s call limited memory in our old age. Time for a new hard drive- wish it’s that simple ha ha.
Thank you again for the lovely song.
You see Ukecaster.........singing is definitely not overrated...................This is a great song and really well performed!
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