Ukuleles For Sale, $4.95 and Up


Jul 21, 2012
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True, but you probably missed your opportunity. Here's the story.
One of the gifts we received for our last wedding anniversary was a Sears, Roebuck and Co summer catalog from 1955. I was browsing the many "Bargains" of the day and, lo and behold, on page 765, up jumped offers for three different ukes. First was a painted mahogany bodied 23 3/4 by 6 1/2" with Hawaiian scenery. Yours for only $4.95 (plus shipping). Next offered was a "Better" hardwood mahogany with a fine finish and "Stripping" around the sound hole. $7.95. If one of those didn't satisfy your UAS how about a "Big, Mellow, Baritone Ukulele complete with pick, nylon strings, and a baritone ukulele book". All of this for $14.95 plus shipping. Were those the "Good Old Days" or what. By the way, according to one of the many on line inflation calculators, $10.00 in 1955 would be worth $94.04 in 2018 purchasing power. As always, ya get what ya pay for.
Anyway, what a great bunch of memories this old catalog triggered.
Happy New Year to all you all.
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