Side Bending Spring Steel?


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2018
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I have been gathering materials and equipment to bend my first sides. I have my mahogany thinned and ready to go. As I was reviewing the YouTube video on bending ukulele sides I realized I don’t have my springs steal. Is this something I can get it Home Depot? Looks like StewMac has some but it’s $25 for 24"x4" piece. Seems a little pricy

Ok this is my 4th time trying to reply so lets see if it works this is another place you can check out:

They have plenty of choices in regards to spring or stainless as well as in thickness....I use stainless as it seems to do fine and I do not have to worry about the rust staining issue...However, if you are having problems with cracking and such I think spring steel does give a bit more support to the wood.....Just make sure you place something between the wood and spring steel that will not allow the rust to stain your wood (a lot of people use aluminum foil)
Thanks, everyone. I ended up using some aluminum flashing and my first side came out fine. It's mahogany so I think it was easy to bend.
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