I am a garden (Weeoriginal)


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2009
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Could this be a Sufi dream or a meditation on May Sarton
“Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything
that sets us back into the slow cycles of nature, is a help.
Gardening is an instrument of grace.”
Very nice production! Takes the viewer/listener to a different world! Thank you!

The challenge this week was to go electric so there are two ukulele tracks in there that
have used filters from garageband. I recorded single notes with CASCADE which gives
the notes a rippling effect and then I took the same track and shifted it so it was slightly
out of phase with the CASCADE track and then used REVERSAL OF FORTUNE so that every
note was being played BACKWARDS and that was responsible for the cosmic twittering
that underpinned the music. There was a few other tweeks and the words were from
a sermon I heard roots and refuge give on youtube.
Very clever, and very listen-able mate. Great job.
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