Ukulele on Proper Words for Private Parts feat. the Fonz!


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2008
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Southern California

If you'd like to skip to the ukulele part, it's at 1:29, but the rest is so entertaining, I don't see why you'd want to skip to it... lol

I did a quick search and didn't see anyone post this one yet.

I see negative rep in my future. :eek:
That is funny and disturbing and almost a parody of itself. Seriously - it looks like a National Lampoon parody of a prevention video.
Nope...they were entirely serious! Remember the good old days when the neighborhood playground was made of steel pipe anchored in concrete? I do...remember "monkey bars"? six feet up in the air on slippery steel pipe suspended over concrete! For gosh sakes...JARTS!
Oh, I know they were serious. But you couldn't make a parody any funnier than the real thing if you tried.
haha, it's interesting how education has evolved over the past few years.
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