Playing for Change: ukulele like instrument.


Well-known member
May 3, 2009
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So I'm subscribed to this channel, and I've been meaning to post this link.

At time frame : 2:38,

a person(Cesar Pope) comes on from Brazil, playing something similar to an ukulele. Chances are, it's not. Most likely, I would assume it's a Cavaquinho. But regardless, this is good to listen to and good for your soul. Surprising it only has 12 million views. Please pass it on :)

Not affiliate with Playing for Change or anything, I just like what they are doing.
That is an amazing video.

Just shows no matter what language you speak, music really connects everyone.
beautiful. I signed up at
Best collab ever! Those people will probably never meet, but when brought together make something truely wonderful.

Brilliant! :D
Oh....MY....GAWD!! That was really intense, I started playing it at work and everyone around me stopped and started singing with it! What a great video!:music:
This was was previously posted. Here's the second vid collab of One Love.

The funny thing is I started playing the ukulele in October/September. I first saw the video in November. I learned about UU in like December. It wasn't until like May until I joined the Forums, and it wasn't until a few days ago did I think about posting this link :(

Can you say procrastination?

I like Chanda MaMa
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