StewMac Tenor Kit - "Slightly" modified. Finished!


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2009
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OK you guys, it's done. I'm going to let you guys decide how much work I should put into this post. let me know if you wanna see:

1. Every stupid pic and long drawn out descriptions of every procedure
2. Just the highlights, a few pics and things to watch out for that I screwed up
3. Go away this is boring and we don't care

or anything in between... Lemme know!


  • p1010247.jpg
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I also vote for #2. I'd especially like to see how you handled profiling the neck heel to the top for a tight doweled butt joint. Also how you modified the sides for the cutaway. Thanks.
Cut to the chase, show us your screwups! :cool:

Oh, and the rest of it too. Neck attachment, bridge, frets, tuners, that sort of stuff.
My personal preference is for ukes without cutaways, but this is not so much an attempt to diss your beautiful creation as it is a hidden confession that I do not venture up the neck to the extent that I feel the need to sacrifice my personal aesthetic point of view for finger space "12th-and-up".
Your bridge/string attachment mojo on the other hand, is clearly flowing there. That is pretty cool to see, and I could imagine using the sound of those short plinky pieces of string behind the bridge for some funky effects. Instant Mario coins, I like!

Please show a little bit of the finish, and sharing your mistakes is not easy, but it may be one of the most valuable pieces of info you could share with amateur "kit-builder" folks. Ah yes, and a little playtime would be fun to listen to as well.

From the pic you put up, it looks pretty clean and cool! :nana:
Thanks, UkeNinja

I appreciate your kinds words. Yes, my intention is to let the future kit builders in on what I screwed so they won't have to. I went through my pics today and had a hard time finding any of the mistakes. Freudian slip? Maybe... As for the short plinky pieces, I didn't even think of that, but that's a great idea. I'll have to experiment with that some...
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