Family Tree


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2008
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Australia, Sydney to Newcastle
How do you find out your family tree? Im thinking that you can't :S

Anybody have any clues?
I making family tree and i get datas and info about 200+ years back ;D
grand parents, state offices atc..
Yeah, grand parents, old records still in the family, birth and death certificates.. it's not easy.

Hell, even with my great-great-grandmother's census number, I still can't get my Choctaw citizenship because now you have to have the death certificate, and it simply doesn't exist anymore. Not only that, but they have her on the role as 7/8 and it's pretty well proven she was full-blooded. I always thought, before my family started doing the research, that I had a tiny drop of Choctaw blood in me. Turns out I'm 1/4. :D

Then on dad's side, his great great great great grandfather owned a rice plantation... but where he owned it was in the place where the subdivision of our first house was built. Talk about going a long way and ending up back where you came from! Weird!
Currently, I know my fam in the U.S., but back in the philippines, I learned more about my lineage by going to the cemetary w/ my parents and other elder relatives. Our town was pretty small, so pretty crazy seeing most of your ancestors pretty much in one spot... and seeing a family crest... woah. GNARLY!!

you can buy or download family tree software on the web. But tracing people down is gonna take some research and time depending on how accessible everyone is to chat w/ you, yknow?
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