Practice for Beginners


Jan 2, 2010
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So I bought my first uke a few days ago (well first instrument ever) and was was wondering what a good practice regiment for a n00bie would be. I am pretty familiar with most of the chords but find myself fumbling through the switching of chords. Right now when i play i usually tune my uke,then try and play a song for instance now i have been trying Island in the Sun. Please help. Thanks
Well there are 2 schools of thought on how/what to practice...
One is to play scales, work on chords, learn where the notes are on the fretboard and so on.. a must for learning to improvise!!!
The other is to find some songs you like and to learn those aand then move to harder songs (chords you don't know) and learn those.

Both schools share one thing in common and that is to practice slowly or you will be practicing mistakes.

Figure out which chords are causing those fumbles and just work on switching back and forth till they are smooth.
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Well there are 2 schools of thought on how/what to practice...
One is to play scales, work on chords, learn where the notes are on the fretboard and so on.. a must for learning to improvise!!!
The other is to find some songs you like and to learn those aand then move to harder songs (chords you don't know) and learn those.

Both schools share one thing in common and that is to practice slowly or you will be practicing mistakes.

Figure out which chords are causing those fumbles and just work on switching back and forth till they are smooth.

Yes I agree. You must practice very slowly trying not to make any mistakes. This is probably the most important thing.
If you develop mistakes in your playing.....well you can imagine the difficulties that will lie ahead.
You may want to research ways to hold the ukulele if you have not already done so, switching chords with improper handling of the neck can be very difficult and set you back, I found out the hardway & then had to break the habit.
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This is taken from Discovering the 'Ukulele book written by Herb Ohta, Jr. and Daniel Ho. You should get this book because it tells you the good practice habits and they tell you that there is a big difference between practicing seriously and just playing through songs. Here are some tips that I use from them.

1. Practice daily, or as often as you can
3. Take it SLOW
4. Practice in Sections
5. Use a metronome
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