Hobbit Sighting


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2008
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Aloha, OR
My Niece tagged me in a picture she took today in Seattle:


I said, "I bet I know who that is...he goes by Howling Hobbit on UU. He plays uke in Pioneer Square in Seattle."

She said, "There was a guy playing ukulele there!"

I described him - that's who she saw! She said she and her friend were going to dance with him, but had to leave before they could!

Anyway, I know a bunch of people here know HH; I wanted to report that he's out there busking away!
Where you able to grab from him the One Ring that rules Pike Place Market? I have heard that his footsteps are all colors of the rainbow, and that his toilet is a pot of gold. Or at least, that's what it became when he started using that old pot for...

If anyone reading this still hasn't bought his CD (mp3 available), go to Hobbit's website and grab it. Lots of fun and you support an independent musician.
Wonder why the Hobbit has abandoned us?
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