Beginner Books/Guitars


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2009
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Southern California
I've a fairly new uke player (less than a year) and I'm not wanting to try my hand at playing the guitar. I've been doing lots of research the last couple of days and I think I will start off with the Martin LXM due to its construction with HPL (High Pressure Laminate). Think of it as a Flea/Fluke but in a guitar form. Humidity and temperature changes will be the least of my worries. I am also considering the A&L AMI however the solid wood construction wouldn't make it as travel friendly as the LXM.

Does anyone have any recommendation for good beginner books? I just picked up a book at Barnes and Nobles earlier this evening called "Guitar For Dummies." Excellent read so far. What are some of you favorites? I know there are several online resources as well such as justin guitar but I'm more of a book person.
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