Celtic Drone with 7 found sounds


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2009
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Celtic Drone with 7 found sounds is an instrumental piece which was first performed by Luther Blissett. The great Luther Blisset was most famous for his unusual guitar tunings. It was said that when Eric Clapton picked up Blissett's guitar and tried to play it he found it impossible because it was not tuned in the normal way, For all of his instrumentals Blissett tuned his guitar differently which made it extremely difficult to emulate his style.

He was also an exponent of incorporating found sounds into his music, rumbling steam rollers, lift doors opening and closing, furniture falling down stairs, motorway traffic, humming machinery.

It was said that John Cage took his inspiration for some of his own music when he saw Blissett saw his guitar in half during a performance.

More infamous than Cage's 4' 33" was Cage's composition for grand piano and chain saw. Cage wanted to compose a piece of music that would be unique, that it could only be played once and never repeated, and from Blissett he found the inspiration.

Both Ry Cooder and David Lindley have stated that they own a debt of gratitude to Blissett who helped them develop their slide guitar technique, and it was Blissett who produced the seminal recording "Meeting by the river" which saw a fusion of East and West when Cooder played with the Indian guitarist Vishwa Mohan Bhatt

This lovely recording can be heard here

Like Marvin Pontiac, Blissett withdrew from public life in the late 60's. He contributed "found sounds" to the classic Pontiac track I'm a Doggy


Here I have tried to reproduce the Blisset classic instrumental "Celtic drone with 7 found sounds"

Found sounds not in order of appearance

Air lock door closing
Aircraft take off
Box falling down stairs
Wrong number dialed
Pilot light igniting gas central heating
Tinkling keys
Heavy furniture moving

Headphones on for best found sound effects. Nothing really happens until 3:05

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