Hi guys.


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2010
Reaction score
Im in need of a little help.

I've had a youtube account for over a year, I dont get very many views. I noticed since Joined UU i've been getting a lot more. Some of you guys are getting massive amounts of views, im just wondering. If you have any tips for me.

Maybe someone would like to work with me on a collab.


// Sorry if this is in the wrong thread, UU Staff.
Hi Adie, just checked out your Youtube and you've got some good stuff on there. Some tips I would give is, when you do a new video post a link to it in UU or any other forums you use, also IMHO I like to see the person playing, that way I can pick up what you are doing, and try subbing other players that you like and you'll then show up on there friends and if they like something you do they'll pass it on. Hope that helps. Oh and one last thing, don't forget to put in as many descriptive tags as you can think of.
Sub + 1
Thank you for the help.

I will have to get a webcam, and record myself playing. My recordings are multi-track so maybe i'll try a multi track video. Something like Seb does. Now all I need is a camera and some video editing software. Oh and learn how to use both.
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