Guacamole Ukulele Song

Ken Middleton

Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
Reaction score
Newcastle under Lyme, England
That was really fun!
Those girls don't even know how famous their going to be here.......
that was hilarious. if you comment on their youtube video, you get a weird response back that youtube marks as SPAM. anybody know what's up with that?

i got this message via email:

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wrocktastical has replied to your comment. To read the reply, go to the comments for "Guacamole Ukulele Song."

Comment from wrocktastical:

This actually from devilishlypure's channel. Go check her out!

- The YouTube Team

weird right?
Those girls don't even know how famous their going to be here.......

Or maybe they do. The link that Ken posted was on someone else's channel. Their channel has k's of subs. Here's the link the song on their channel:

And Russ, I got the spam thing, too. I think maybe one of their fans was upset that comments were getting posted to the wrong copy of the video.
And Russ, I got the spam thing, too. I think maybe one of their fans was upset that comments were getting posted to the wrong copy of the video.

oh cool, thanks for clearing that up. that makes sense now. i was afraid to click on the link in fear of being rickrolled, or worse!
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