How Can I Get a UU bumper sticker?


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
Yangon, Myanmar
I've seen them on friends' uke cases. I suppose I could ask them, but I thought I could buy one at the UU merch page, and they're not there...

They sent me one when I bought I a tee shirt.
They sent me one when I bought I a tee shirt.

Yeah, they sent me one too when I ordered a T-shirt and cd.
Wondered about that...wouldnt mind a few myself.....spreading the Ukulele Underground love around....MM Stan..
Just so you know, they're not really meant to be bumper stickers, more like just case stickers. The material they're made of won't really hold up under the elements, such as rain.

I have one on my car - in Portland, Oregon, where we don't tan in the Summer, we rust. It still looks fine well over a year later...
Are these case stickers still available? My concert case needs one. Suppose I could use a shirt too.
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Just so you know, they're not really meant to be bumper stickers, more like just case stickers. The material they're made of won't really hold up under the elements, such as rain.

I've had one in the back bumper of my Jeep for years and it still looks good. I attribute it to the SoCal smog and acid rain providing a protective barrier to the natural elements that might attack it.

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