Progressing with improvisation


Well-known member
Jul 2, 2010
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Progressing past the I,IV,V chord progression.

Progressing past Uncle Rod's Bootcamp.

It feels like you get knocked down a rung or like you take a step off a cliff; but, just DOING IT - using the knowledge and applying it to key after key.

Its the Schiz!!

I'm also putting on backup music and improvising to that. It makes the drudgery of learning scale forms worth it.

I'm still not good to go with playing music by ear but I can tell its getting easier. How is that improv?? Because learning specific wellknown riffs and transposing to input into songs is one of my goals.
I'm still not good to go with playing music by ear but I can tell its getting easier. How is that improv?? Because learning specific wellknown riffs and transposing to input into songs is one of my goals.

That, and the fact that improv is--at its best--playing the melody that you "pre-hear" in your head. That takes ears.

Congrats on your progress!

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