No My Ukes listing on my posts, profile does not reflect my groups


Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
Florida Space Coast
I thought I indicated what ukes I own when I joined, but they do not appear below my picture when I post and I have been unable to correct the problem. I have also started a group and joined two others for a total of 3, none of which show up. Any suggestions on how to correct?
To get your ukes to show up, go to "Settings" at the upper right of the page, then on the left side there will be a list of things in red letters. You want "edit signature". You have to add them there as part of your signature, and then they'll show up in your posts. I'm going to go look at groups now and see if I can figure anything out for you, but it will be a separate post.
I don't think your groups ever show up anywhere but on your profile page, but I looked at your profile and they're not showing up. Maybe it takes a little while? I know I've never seen them listed on people's normal posts. Not sure why they wouldn't show on your profile page.
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