Need help C/F# slash chord

I guess depends on the context. a 0023 would be a variation. as in 0033 0023 0013 0003
That's a very strange chord. It's an augmented chord (#5) with the sharp 5 in the root. Are you playing fairly dissonant music, in other words are you sure that's the chord you're looking for?

On reentrant uke I guess you could play it as x603, 0603, 5603, x633, 0633, or 5633. The latter 2 will be extra dissonant due to the half-step between the F# and G.
What song are you playing that has that chord in it? Do you have a link to the chords in the song?

how slash works

Basically you can ignore the slash. That's a note the bass should be playing in conjunction with your C chord.

Take a look at the chords before and after. Is there some kind of chromatic movement that's happening? Is there some sweet little series of fret by fret up or down movement that's giving the progression a movement? Something leading one chord into the next? That's what slashes are about.

You might also carefully choose how you play your C. Maybe it's better to bar it at the 3rd or 7th and you'll find that slash note conveniently located and you can just add it with a pinky. How you voice your chords, where you play them on the neck, dramatically effects the sound of the song. If you choose right, you bring out the melody and the chromatic movements.
My advice on slash chords is if you're having difficulty with the fingering the first thing you should try is just ignoring the bass note. You'll find that nine times out of ten (or more) that works fine.

I play bass, and even on the bass I find that sometimes the music just sounds better if I don't play the indicated bass note. The reason is that a lot of the chord charts we use are for an acoustic guitarist so they very often use a C/G or C/E (just two examples) on the guitar because it's an easy fingering and a fuller sounding chord - but the music really needs the bass to go ahead and move to the C to provide the movement that the song really needs. Other times, the guitarist may be bouncing between G and C/G in a part of the music where movement isn't desired, then the bass needs to play the indicated bass inversion.

The bottom line is that you should just consider a chord chart a suggestion, if you will - it's up to the individual musician or band to use their ear as well as their eyes and come up with something that achieves the desired effect.

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