New Builders Blog

Hi! Futch,
great work. Love your English Cherry uke.

Do you mostly use only hand tools?
Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Good luck..

Aloha Futch,
Thank you for you lovely building link..I think it's awesome....Happy Strummings..MM Stan..
Very cool! Will follow very closely... love to see the uke building details
Thanks everyone! UkeforJC, I do use hand tools for pretty much everything, although I have just got myself a small drill press and band saw.

I am getting quicker at thicknessing the plates by hand, though what I wouldn't give for a thickness sander! nuvo en el foro y me gustaria saber si alguien me puede pasar medidas de los ukuLele electricos de los que hacen la gente de eleuke electricos tanto el soprano como el concierto como el tenor ya que aca de donde soy no venden.los que me puedan mandar medidas reales de estos instrumentos ser los voy a agradecer mucho ya que hace tiempo me gustaria hacerme uno parecido.prometo subir fotos de lo que construya.gracias
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