Oy, am I a doofus.


Well-known member
May 10, 2008
Reaction score
Staten Island, NY
Ever try real hard to get the strumming pattern of a song down (or picking, in this case) and just cant get it to sound right no matter what you seem to do?

And then... look at youtube for one second, and figure it out, and realize you're just attacking the strings one out of order...

heh. Maybe I'm just a noob.

This is all.
I had a dog name Doofus but we spelled it Dufus...........
It happens all the time. I'm especially reggae challenged. It's frustrating because I understand how the beat works. I know how to count and subdivide and what happens on the up and down beat. In my head, I know what has to happen, but my wrist has other ideas.
what sucks is that i play drums, so one would think i would have an easier time staying on the off beats...but no =(
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