Daily Ukulele May 31st 2011


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2010
Reaction score
Swindon, UK
Good Morning Everyone :D

Just a note of warning, I came close to a hospital admission last night, and could still end up in there, so if I disappear, that's where I am, don't want anyone to worry! Hopefully, I'll be able to keep myself home as I'm studying for my exam and a similar thing happened last year too! Anyway, will keep posting as long as I'm able!

Page: 186
Song: Pearly Shells


Enjoy! I'm gonna be over here on the oxygen!

Get :music:
Hang in there, Joey! The last time I was in school my asthma would get worse during exam time. I was told that stress can temporarily weaken the immune system, and that things the body often staves off during calmer times often flare up during times of stress. So while intensive studying is very important as you prepare for your exam, be sure to take some time to de-stress!
Thanks Joey, this is a great lesson. I really like Mitch's teaching. I have to say as much as I look forward to your daily posts please do take care of our Joey first:)
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