Plucking up?


New member
Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score
See Uke Minutes 107 - Hawaiian vamp riff in C/

After a hammer on C to a G7 (fine), you pluck up on E and C then A and E. Exactly how to you pluck up without hitting other strings or causing all the sound to come from the first string you hit?

Yeah, I'm a newbie.

Just love the way he gets from G7 to C though. Really beutiful.

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I'm also a uke newbie, so take this with a grain of salt :) (though I am learning some fingerstyle guitar, including some slack key)

Without paying too close attention to the video the first time through, I ended up doing a pinch on C and E (playing C with the thumb and E with index, simultaneously) after the hammer-on then playing the A with my ring finger. I suppose I did it that way because that's how I would have done it on guitar. I think you've just got to play around and find the way that works best for you. Also, practice very slowly, whichever way you choose to do it.

Yeah, pinching with two fingers is easier for me than trying to pluck the two. Go figure. Thanks again for your tip.
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