"Faith" George Michael Cover Funked Up


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2009
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I re-recorded a video that I had previously recorded. Previously, I recorded it with a piece of dog nugget camera that kept the video and audio in time about as well as your average Barry Manilow fan keeps their claps in time.

I'm no George Michael fan, and I don't even like this song. I started doing it because my wife used to sing it while I played the chords. My wife, having the timing of the aforementioned Barry Manilow fan, was struggling getting in the same county as the beat. I demonstrated where to start singing, and I was unable to sing along with it either, until I started to funk it up a bit. The birth of a gem right there.

I'm playing it on my Mainland tenor, which I had the pleasure of picking up in person from Mike and Tookta, who live about 25 miles up the road from me.

Hope you all enjoy it!

OK- now I need video of the lead-up to these...that has got to be HILARIOUS.
I am more of a WHAM! fan myself (snicker), but this is a good one. Keep them coming Frank
Aww..thanks a lot guys! You have made my night! I'm glad that you enjoyed my twisted sense of musical interpretation. Plus, I got a thumbs up from Barry. Holy frijoles!
I love it when covers are better than the original!
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