what do you think of my newest video?


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
north carolina
here's my submission for the ukulele Godspell contest.

what do you think?

you did a realy great job with this, nice camera angles etc, and great touch with the artwork and story telling. What would be even cooler if the drawings could have turned into animation ;)
hey, v30!

thanks for the encouragement and feedback.

if you get a chance, please follow the link to youtube, sign in to yt and hit the "like" button.

you did a realy great job with this, nice camera angles etc, and great touch with the artwork and story telling. What would be even cooler if the drawings could have turned into animation ;)


my wife did all the artwork. i'll pass along the compliments!

yeah transitioning into animation would really have been cool. morphing from a static image to an immersive motion environment. yep, woulda been really neat!
that's wonderful!

if you're interested, bluefishtv.com has lots of great videos and a series called "the story behind the hymn." i had seen other hymns featured before and didn't know until i just searched that they have produced one for "it is well."

for your youth group, they have lots of illustrations to accompany just about any topic you're sharing. "a man fell in a hole" is still one of my all time faves.


just go there and do a search for "the story behind the hymn."

don't forget to sign in to youtube and hit the "like" button and then share it with others. i'd love to win the contest, but more than that: to God be the glory!

thanks for watching!
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