New Uke Clip: Lemoskine - Alice


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2010
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Laranjeiras do Sul/Paraná - Brazil
Hi UU members!
This is a new ukulele video from my friend Rodrigo Lemos, from the Lemoskine band. It's a nice Alice story: Fun!

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Very nice! I enjoyed it.....thanks for sharing
yes, very nice.
Here´s the music in portuguese and in english:

De leve
De leve vai
De leve vai passar
Entregue a vida está
Então deixo estar

De leve
De leve vai
De leve vai passar
Entregue a vida está
Então deixo estar

Ela veio no sinal
Dividindo o bem e o mal
E eu coração ou o carnal
Entre chuvas e trovões
Arco-íris e canções
Chegamos aqui

Ela veio no sinal
Dividindo o bem e o mal
E eu coração ou o carnal
Entre chuvas e trovões
Arco-íris e canções

Onde mora o teu sorriso
Durmo eu no assoalho
Onde mora o teu sorriso
Durmo eu no assoalho

Mal posso esperar pra te levar
Até a porta da escola
Proibir a coca-cola
Eu sei, alegria mora aí
Ai Alice como eu quis
Frear um carro a mil por hora

E o resto já vai
Já vai

E o resto já vai
Já vai
Passar ...

In light
Will slightly
From light will pass
Give life is
So let it be

In light
Will slightly
From light will pass
Give life is
So let it be

She came in the signal
Dividing good and evil
And I heart or flesh
Between rain and thunder
Rainbow and songs
here we come

She came in the signal
Dividing good and evil
And I heart or flesh
Between rain and thunder
Rainbow and songs

Where do you live your smile
I sleep on the floor
Where do you live your smile
I sleep on the floor

I can not wait to take you
By the door of the school
Prohibit Coca-Cola
I know, joy lives there
Oh how I wanted to Alice
Braking a car a mile a minute

And the rest will have
It will

And the rest will have
It will
Skip ...
Thanks for the translation..... and if I'm not mistaken, aren't some of these same people involved in one of the best uke-related videos I've ever seen?

"Thanks for the translation..... and if I'm not mistaken, aren't some of these same people involved in one of the best uke-related videos I've ever seen?"

Yes! The Lemoskine band members are part of the"A Banda Mais Bonita da Cidade" (Band's Most Beautiful of the City). This music video for Oração (Prayer) was the biggest YouTube sensation when it was released in May. The video reached 2 million views in less than two days. They live in Curitiba, from 240 km to my house.
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