Lean on Me! covered by Ukecandoitman


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2008
Reaction score
Easton, Pa
Got to hang out with these guys this weekend, check this video and their other videos out! They have a ton of talent.

That was sick!

Great job on the picking part, Colin. It looked like you guys had a great time.
Colin has new talented friends.....he's not gonna wanna hang with us anymore.

Great vid Colin. Nice job "special guest". Looks like a fun group of peeps. And your hair looks awesome.
Psh, getting a haircut today.

Lol, Comment and Subscribe to them, they have a ton of good videos and are working on a few great ones right now. They love 90s hip hop and new stuff too.
REALLY nice, brother!

Dude's voice is SICK!

And the white guy pickin' was ok, too!

(Love the UE sticker on the case!)
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