Here's my theme song!

Bob Bledsoe

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
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Los Angeles
For those of you who saw last week's gardening video where I tried a bunch of theme songs on the uke, this new video includes a new one that I'll actually use as a theme song for this video series... No shots of me playing the ukulele. It's just the audio at the beginning and end of the video. Let me know what you think!

Hi Bob. I hope you're alright with the possibilty that your garden may produce no produce. It's really OK though. Gardens may have other qualities than only growing food. Just as people have surprising qualities; gardens may function in ways that aren't obvious at the outset. Keep trying and you'll see what I mean. The sky is the limit!
Best wishes, Aloha, Billsie

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Thanks Casey! Glad you like the song.

You're right Billsie, there are tons of benefits to gardening other than just food. I'm not too worried about producing nothing though. We got hundreds of tomatoes, a bunch of squash, watermelon, beats, chard, spinach etc this summer... I took over the garden this fall and I have about 20 different things starting to come up already. Not all will survive or do well, but I think we'll get a bit of nice produce anyway... I'm having fun with the video blog though so I'm okay whether we get tons of salad or not. ;-)
That's great news, Bob. I wasn't saying that food isn't an important reason to have a garden. I was being supportive in case no fruit or vegetables happened to come up. But I'm so glad to hear that's not the case and that your garden has already yielded tasty and nourishing things to eat. In fact food is very important. Food itself even has multliple uses.
Best wishes, Billsie

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